23 Nov 2016

Neapolitan Cake

Today, November 23rd marks my blog's 3rd anniversary! This year my blogging has been very poor and I remembered late last evening that today is the blog anniversary!! So I decided to post this beautiful cake to celebrate my blog 😊

I made this cake for my husband's birthday which was about 9 months ago! I know I've been terribly slack this year but I'm glad I somehow got to write down this recipe. 

I always look to bake something special for my husband's birthday. Although he's not a big fan of cakes and sweets, a birthday is a special occasion which I believe, must be celebrated with a fancy cake!

Neapolitan Cake

For a brief history on the neapolitan cake (which I googled), this cake was originally a frozen dessert - the neapolitan ice cream. It's presumed to have it's origin in Naples, Italy and it initially resembled the Italian flag and had many different flavors. Finally the 3 most favorite flavors - chocolate, vanilla and strawberry became the standard.

I have always wanted to bake a neapolitan cake, simply because it's a pretty looking cake! But then the recipes I looked at always had 3 different recipes for the 3 layers (strawberry, chocolate and vanilla). You can opt for such a recipe too but I prefer this kind of a recipe which uses one batter divided 3 ways. For me, this is much easier.

Neapolitan Cake

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