28 Jul 2016

Mochai Kottai Kuzhambu | Kuzhambu Recipes

My mom makes a lot of mochakottai kuzhambu and I simply love it! My childhood memories are all filled with me picking up and eating the softly cooked mochai every time I go by the kitchen!
This is the dried variety of mochai and it is called as field beans in English. When ever I want to make kuzhambu and don't have the appropriate veggies for kuzhambu, I always make this mochai kuzhambu. 

MochaiKottai Kuzhambu

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7 Jul 2016

Peanut Butter Ice Cream

This summer I made lots of lots of dishes for my baked section but I'm just not able to find time to write! To everybody to asked about me, thank you so much for your concern and well wishes, hopefully I will be back to active blogging soon!

Peanut Butter Ice Cream

I made this ice cream a couple of months back for my daughter's friend and her family. Whenever I think of what to take with me when visiting someone, they always ask me for ice creams or cakes! Bored of always making chocolate and vanilla ice cream, I tried some peanut butter ice cream and it turned out really yum! I used a whole cup of peanut butter and that made my ice cream thick, you can choose to add a little less than a cup too. But if you want an ice cream that tastes peanut buttery then go for a full cup!

Peanut Butter Ice Cream

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