18 Apr 2018

Tips to cook non sticky Okra

There was a time when I never preferred to cook vendakkai (okra) because of it's sticky nature but now I make it very often and I don't add curd or besan to my vendakkai to make it non - sticky.
These simple and easy steps always help me to make an easy, tasty and non sticky vendakkai. The biggest thing that causes the stickiness in moisture! If you can avoid the moisture then you will end up with perfect okra every time!

How to cook okra without sticking

How to buy okra
While buying okra, make sure you buy tender ones. Choose slender, green ones without any holes or blemish. Also try to snap the tail of the okra, if it's snaps then the okra is tender. If it doesn't snap then it's not tender.

Washing the okra
Always wash the okra well to remove the chemicals or pesticides. You can add some vinegar to the water and soak the okra for 15 minutes to remove the pesticides and then wash it thoroughly. After washing, dry them very well. You can wipe them clean. I wash the okra and wipe it down in a clean kitchen towel and I spread it in a plate or moram to dry it completely.

Cutting and drying the okra
Make sure your cutting board and knife is without any moisture or water. As you cut the okra, a slimy gel like thing will stick to your knife. Wipe it with a tissue and continue to cut the okra. Do not cut it too small. The smaller the pieces the more sticky it gets while cooking.
After cutting the okra, spread it again in a plate or moram and let it dry for atleast 30 minutes. This ensures all the moisture to evaporate from the okra and then there will be no sticking.

Cooking the okra
If you have dried the okra like how I mentioned above, then cooking it will be a breeze! You can add it as you normally would, along with your masala and cook. Never cover the pan while cooking okra as covering would again create moisture. Also add salt last, as adding salt also creates moisture or add the salt to the oil at the beginning.

How to cook okra without sticking

These are the few steps I follow to get the perfectly cooked, crsipy okra every single time!

Check out the other okra recipes
Some other tips I have come across are -
1. Dry roast the okra in a tawa before adding to your dish to cut down on the stickiness.
2. Add a souring agent like tamarind or curd or lemon juice to cut down on the stickiness.
3. Besan or cornflour is also said to cut down on the stickiness.

I have tried many tips and tricks but the easiest and best is to make sure the okra is dry! Then there is no slimy sticky okra!

Until next time,
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